The following is a statement from A Better Balance President Inimai Chettiar issued the following statement on the Proxy Voting for New Parents Resolution:
We applaud Rep. Pettersen, Rep. Luna, Rep. Jacobs, and Rep. Lawler for for securing the signatures needed to bring the Proxy Voting for New Parents Resolution to the floor. This ongoing effort to pass proxy voting demonstrates the fact that support for working parents is a truly bipartisan issue that reaches across geographies and political ideologies.
Despite this, we are watching a legislative debate unfold that showcases the persistent inequity working women and their families continue to face. The fact that Congressional leadership continues to stand in the way of this basic, pro-family proposal to allow legislators who have welcomed a new child vote remotely is an insult to parents across the country.
Millions of working parents, particularly those in low wage jobs, remain in need of workplace protections that ensure they do not have to choose between their job and caring for themselves and their newborns. Paid leave, as well as pregnancy and lactation accommodations must become the norm – not the exception.
Congress should lead by example and support working moms and parents – starting with their colleagues in office. And we hope to see these elected leaders continue to work together to champion policies that will afford the same flexibility and support to workers and families across the country.