The below open letter from 125+ mothers from 42 states was published on 10/24 as a full-page ad in the New York Times. Join us in calling for a vote on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act by taking action today.

“After I was pushed off the job due to my pregnancy, I had to use water in my son’s cereal because I could no longer afford milk.”
“Everyone said they were grateful to me for working the frontlines during the pandemic, but now I’m pregnant and no one will hire me.”
“I asked if I could have a water bottle when I was dizzy and nauseated from my pregnancy – I was nearly fainting every day. My employer said no.”
We represent the millions of former and current pregnant and postpartum workers – including retail workers, police officers, health care providers, manufacturing workers, and civil servants – many of us who were forced off the job during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth because we needed temporary, reasonable accommodations to protect our health.
The 44th anniversary of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act is just days away and we are here to tell you pregnancy discrimination is still rampant in this country. The law is failing us.
We know because, as working mothers, we experienced discrimination while pregnant or after giving birth.
We often faced terrible economic or health consequences as a result.
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is ready and waiting with the votes to pass and would end the inequality and injustice we faced.
It’s 2022, and we still don’t have an explicit federal right to pregnancy-related accommodations, including breastfeeding support. In fact, a stunning two-thirds of pregnant workers are losing their request for accommodation cases in federal court. All we are asking for are the same sorts of reasonable accommodations the law already guarantees for workers with disabilities.
We desperately need a solution to stay healthy and attached to the workforce.
We need you to act when you return to Washington in November.
We have been told, especially during the pandemic, that women are essential to our economy and the future of our nation. It is time we are treated that way.
Please listen to our voices.
Don’t fail pregnant women and families like us on your watch.
Pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.
Alexis Murphy, Alabama
Marquita Dudley, Alabama
Michelle Durham, Alabama
Regina Bean, Alabama
Stephanie Hicks, Alabama
Gloria Thompson, Alaska
Jessica Chiang, Arizona
Anglyn Hays, Arkansas
Alina Johnson, California
Chelsea Sevy, California
Chonita Foster, California
Esther Conrriquez, California
Felicita Tino, California
Gladys Cruz, California
Kelby Poppe, California
Leonetine Willis, California
Lily Wang, California
Linda Cornejo, California
Michelle Del Real, California
Rachel Verdugo, California
Samantha Koutny, California
Sarah Lehat, California
Cynthia Immel, Colorado
Diana Heymann, Connecticut
Bettina Schutzbach, Florida
Bianca Deleon, Florida
Corinne Woodland, Florida
Cyndel Pagan, Florida
Frances Vasquez, Florida
Joanna Padilla, Florida
Samantha Ferrante, Florida
Sarah Alicea, Florida
Peggy Dobbins, Georgia
May Paulele, Hawaii
Amanda Cleveland, Illinois
Andrea Earl, Illinois
Bridget Ryan, Illinois
Cassandra Lewis, Illinois
Daisy Sandoval, Illinois
Hailey Atherton, Illinois
Jennifer Panattoni, Illinois
Julia Vetrie, Illinois
Kelly Dennis, Illinois
Mary Garrison, Illinois
Susana Marin, Illinois
Tracie Timme, Illinois
Mary Henning, Indiana
Paige Peterson, Indiana
Shawn Lewis, Indiana
Amber Beitzel, Iowa
Brianna Rogers, Iowa
Jean Swenson, Iowa
Joy Reindl, Kentucky
Lyndi Trischler, Kentucky
Pamela Pidgeon, Kentucky
Samantha Riley, Kentucky
Denizer Carter, Louisiana
Edwanda Mckinnis, Louisiana
Elizabeth Castro, Maine
Jamie Irwin, Maryland
Kisha Brown, Maryland
Manda Jackson, Maryland
Roselie Bright, Maryland
Tracey Katsouros, Maryland
Nancy Verrocchi, Massachusetts
Kim Matushak, Minnesota
Susan Jordan, Minnesota
Amber Walker, Mississippi
Clarissa Bradley, Missouri
Dana Lentz, Missouri
Tesia Buckles, Missouri
Ann Marie Sinica, Nebraska
Tina Cameron, Nebraska
Taylor Talbert, Nevada
Kate Frederick, New Hampshire
Kristen Posso, New Jersey
Takirah Woods, New Jersey
Mary Bissell, New Mexico
Alexia Mavrakes, New York
Armanda Legros, New York
Joyce Gelb, New York
Kendra K. Hoffman, New York
Lori Alicie, New York
Moesha Nance, New York
Siide Gil Frederick, New York
Simone Teagle, New York
Thyais Brown-Newball, New York
Jackie Gray, North Carolina
Jaimie Cole, North Carolina
Meagen Burelli, North Carolina
Nicole Houck, North Carolina
Carlotta Sailer, North Dakota
Liz Lundquist, North Dakota
Blaire Bartish, Ohio
Jocelyn Green, Ohio
Megan Wolfer, Oregon
Erika Lightner, Pennsylvania
Laci Stobert, Pennsylvania
Roberta Corona, Pennsylvania
Pooja Aggarwal, Rhode Island
Kristy Bonoyer, Rhode Island
Jannella Adlien, South Carolina
Jasmine McCray, South Carolina
Natasha Jackson, South Carolina
Shannon McKee Harvey, South Carolina
Tyasia Harris, South Carolina
Wendy Savoca, South Carolina
Crystal Headrick, Tennessee
Erica Tafoya, Tennessee
Hafsa Lodhi, Tennessee
Shakeira Smith, Tennessee
Berenice Cedillo, Texas
Caroline Lajoie, Texas
Erika Flores, Texas
Shiloh Lambert, Texas
Shatilia Garrido, Utah
Farrah Sutton, Virginia
Ciri Ryan, Washington
Jeannette Green, Washington
Kelly Titialii, Washington
Lyn Meyerding, Washington
Malina Hong-Tran, Washington
Serena Meyer, Washington
Amy Clark, West Virginia
Donna Janke, Wisconsin
Kendra Fraher, Wisconsin
Monica Stephenson, Wyoming