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Paid Sick Time

Paid Sick Time And Paid Time Off Laws Around the Country

Learn more about paid sick time and paid time off laws around the country!

Healthy Families Act

The Healthy Families Act (S.840 /H.R. 1784) was last reintroduced in the House and Senate in 2019. The bill would guarantee workers the right to earn up to 7 paid sick days a year to address their own health needs or to care for a sick family member. Click here to read more about this act.

Kin Care Laws

Among private sector workers who do have access to paid sick time, only 30% can use that time to care for a sick child. Ten states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation to address this problem, allowing workers who have paid sick time to use that time to care for a sick family member. Click here to read about Kin Care Laws.

Paid Sick Time Campaign Tools and Resources

Click to see a list helpful tools and information to assist your paid sick days campaign.

Paid Sick Time: Information for Workers in NYC

Click here to read more about your rights to paid sick time.

Background on Paid Sick Time in New York City

Need more in-depth background? Click here to learn about how paid sick days got passed and what ABB is doing to help ensure successful implementation of the law.

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