Resources Article

Pregnant Workers Fairness Resources

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The Federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Decades after the passage of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, pregnant workers are still pushed off the job when they need a modest accommodation, like a stool to sit on or a temporary reprieve from heavy lifting, in order to stay healthy and employed. Congress introduced the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) in 2012 and ABB is leading the charge to make the bipartisan PWFA a reality, ensuring that no worker has to choose between her job and a healthy pregnancy.


State Pregnant Workers Fairness Laws

In the past few years alone, over a dozen states and localities have passed laws to strengthen legal protections for pregnant workers. A Better Balance has played a leading or supporting role in the passage of most of these laws, many of which have passed with overwhelming and bipartisan support.


History of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act 

To mark the 40th anniversary of the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act, A Better Balance created a timeline retrospective of all that has been accomplished to stamp out pregnancy discrimination since 1978, and how far we still have to go. Although employers can no longer deny women jobs because they are pregnant, unfortunately, pregnancy discrimination is shockingly still prevalent in American workplaces. It is time for Congress to finish the job they started four decades ago and pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. A Better Balance is leading the fight.[/vc_column_text]

Pregnant Workers Fairness State Legislative Campaigns

The movement for fairness for pregnant workers is growing. Local campaigns are sprouting up around the country and A Better Balance is providing legal advice and support, including model bill language.


Pregnant and Working at Walmart

A Better Balance is working to ensure that pregnant employees at Walmart are not treated like second-class citizens and pushed off the job when they need a modest accommodation to stay healthy. We are pursuing legal action, partnerships, and a publicity campaign to demand that Walmart change its pregnancy policy as soon as possible!


Enforcing the Rights of Pregnant Workers

A Better Balance has provided legal assistance to many pregnant workers who were pushed off the job while pregnant, or who felt forced to risk their health because their employer refused to provide them with a modest accommodation. Check out ABB’s background article to read their stories and learn how we helped.

If you think your employer is treating you unfairly because you are pregnant, breastfeeding, recovering from childbirth, or caring for your new child call our national legal helpline at 1-833-NEED-ABB for free and confidential information about your workplace rights.

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Pregnant Workers Fairness

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