Ready to request a reasonable modification, or adjustment, for your pregnancy-related needs at school? See below for a sample letter you can change to fit your own situation and send to your school.
You should give your letter to your school or school district’s Title IX Coordinator, who is the person responsible for making sure your school follows the law. If you don’t know who your school’s Title IX Coordinator is, you can ask your school or call A Better Balance’s free and confidential legal helpline at 1-833-633-3222.
Pregnant and parenting students: for more information about your rights at school, visit our fact sheet.
This resource was last updated on January 10th, 2025.
Dear [Fill in name of your Title IX Coordinator],
I am a current student at [fill in name of your school]. I am requesting a temporary reasonable modification for my pregnancy, childbirth, or a related condition under Title IX.
Under Title IX, a school must make reasonable modifications, or adjustments, to ensure a pregnant student can access their education. A school must also excuse a student’s absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth. Further, a school must offer the same special services to a pregnant student that it provides to students with temporary medical conditions.
I am experiencing [Fill in your situation here. Some examples may include nausea, pain or pressure in your belly or back, exposure to chemicals in laboratory activities, pain while standing during clinical instruction, pregnancy-related appointments, childbirth recovery, the need to express milk, discomfort sitting at your current desk, etc. Note: this is not a complete list, please fill in with your situation and needs.]
I request the following reasonable modification(s): [Fill in your request here. Examples may include: a larger desk, the ability to eat and drink during class, hybrid or remote instruction while you are on pregnancy-related bedrest, protective lab equipment, excused absences for pre/postnatal appointments, makeup work assignments for class missed while recovering from childbirth, extensions on a paper or exam, bathroom passes, and a clean, private space to express milk, etc.]. I would also like to request that you notify my teachers/professors of my need for these modifications in class.
I will need the modifications listed beginning [Estimated start date] until [Estimated end date].
Thank you,
[Your name here]
Note: This letter does not represent legal advice, nor does using it create an attorney/client relationship with A Better Balance. Title IX is a complex law with intricate regulations, and submitting the above request does not guarantee its protections. Please note that Title IX does not apply to schools that do not receive federal funds. For further questions about Title IX or related federal, state, and local laws protecting pregnant and parenting students, or to discuss possible options regarding legal advice and/or representation, please call our free and confidential legal helpline at 1-833-NEED-ABB.
This letter is also available as a downloadable Word file here.