
STATEMENT: Ruling in Catholic Benefits Association & Bismarck Diocese v. EEOC Attacks Workers’ Reproductive Freedom

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The following is a statement from A Better Balance President Inimai Chettiar:

“The court’s decision to shield 8,000 Catholic employers from complying with the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act regulations around time off for abortion and fertility care is part of a broad trend of attacks on women’s rights and reproductive freedom. The fact that IVF—a highly popular and common medical procedure that millions of Catholics and Christians support—is being targeted speaks to the extremist nature of this case. The decision also contributes to a web of confusing and conflicting patchwork of court rulings around a law that was designed to close gaps in the law and bring clarity to pregnant workers and employers alike.    

The Courts and the EEOC have consistently interpreted pregnancy-related needs to include abortion-related needs. We’re pleased to see the Department of Justice defending the EEOC’s PWFA regulations and working to bring uniformity. 

A Better Balance is working around the clock to defend this law that we fought so hard to pass. We won’t stand by as these vital protections for women and all pregnant people are undermined. Workers should know that the PWFA is still in effect and if they have questions, they can call A Better Balance’s free, confidential legal helpline at 1-833-NEED-ABB.”

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